
MAG Interactive and the European Central Bank launch quiz to celebrate Europe Day

In collaboration with the European Central Bank, MAG has developed a special quiz in New QuizDuel which will be launched in all markets within the EU to celebrate Europe Day.

Stockholm, Sweden - 29 April, 2021 - Today MAG Interactive announces a new collaboration with the European Central Bank (ECB): Together with the ECB, MAG has developed a special quiz in New QuizDuel about the EU and the ECB's work to highlight Europe Day, which takes place on May 9th.

The special quiz, called #EuropeDay, is available to play in New QuizDuel between the 3rd and 23rd of May in all EU markets. During this period, players participating in the quiz have the chance to win an iPad Pro 11.

Europe Day, May 9th, marks the anniversary of the historically important Schuman Declaration in 1950 when French foreign minister Robert Schuman proposed a new form of cooperation to promote peace in Europe. This led to the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the forerunner of the European Union.

“For us at MAG it feels inspiring to pay attention to Europe Day, which symbolizes cooperation and peace in Europe. With the help of New QuizDuel’s great reach, we hope that our EU quiz can increase interest in the EU and its important work to achieve climate goals and strengthen the European economy”, says Daniel Hasselberg, CEO of MAG Interactive.

MAG previously collaborated with the ECB in 2019 in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Euro.

Participate in the #EuropeDay quiz and win an iPad Pro

To enter the #EuropeDay competition and have the chance to win an iPad Pro 11, users need to answer all 18 questions in the quiz correctly, take a screenshot on the last page of the quiz (showing the total score and the green boxes corresponding to the correct answers) and send it to [email protected] by May 23rd. A total of 10 winners will be chosen at the end of the month.

The winners will be announced on MAG's social media and on the European Central Bank's website. Find more information on the competition on the ECB website: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/educational/youth-initiatives/ecb-quizduel-competition/html/index.en.html