
language policy

Deutsch   Italiano   Français   Español   Svenska

MAG Interactive  AB

At MAG Interactive, our mission is to make games that feel good. This means that every player who comes into contact with a MAG game should have a positive, enriching experience.

With this in mind, we have made the choice to maintain an inclusive experience for all by removing words considered hate speech from all of our game dictionaries in every language. This means that we will not allow the use of words considered slurs, words that are primarily used to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a marginalized group. This includes the use of words that lead to the dehumanization of a person based on their religion, gender, sexual orientation, caste, age, disability, national origin, race, or ethnicity.

While we believe free expression is a human right – our role as a game maker is to create games that serve all of our players, players who we are glad come from a very diverse range of backgrounds. So on our private platforms we choose to create the world as we want to see it; inclusive, accepting and joyfully celebratory of the diversity of humanity.

If you see something in one of our games that you believe violates our language policy, please report it to us here: hello@maginteractive.com

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