Annual Report 2018/19
About MAG
MAG in numbers
Board of directors, management and auditor
Ownership structure
Word From the CEO
A year in brief
Our business model
Word Domination
Corporate governance
The General meeting
The Board of Directors
CEO and executive management
Internal control
Financial reports
Board of Directors report
The group
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated cash flow statement
Note 1 - General information
Note 2 - Summary of important accounting policies
Note 3 - Financial risk management
Note 4 - Important estimates and judgements for accounting purposes
Note 5 - Distribution of net sales
Note 6 - Other operating income
Note 7 - Sales-related costs
Note 8 - Personnel costs
Note 9 - Remuneration paid to auditors
Note 10 - Financial income and expenses
Note 11 - Income tax
Note 12 - Earnings per share
Note 13 - Net exchange rate differences
Note 14 - Holdings and investments in subsidiaries
Note 15 - Tangible non-current assets
Note 16 - Intangible assets
Note 17 - Financial instruments by category
Note 18 - Effects caused by the transition to IFRS 16
Note 19 - Other long-term receivables
Note 20 - Deferred tax asset
Note 21 - Trade and other receivables
Note 22 - Other current receivables
Note 23 - Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Note 24 - Cash and cash equivalents
Note 25 - Equity
Note 26 - Deferred tax liability
Note 27 - Other current liabilities
Note 28 - Accrued expenses and prepaid income
Note 29 - Adjustment for items not included in cash flow
Note 30 - Pledged assets
Note 31 - Operational leases
Note 32 - Business combinations
Note 33 - Associated parties
Note 34 - Adjusted EBITDA
Parent company's income statement
Parent company's balance sheet
Change in equity in the parent company
Parent company's cash flow statement
Note 1 - General information
Note 2 - Summary of the parent company’s significant accounting policies
Note 3 - Distribution of net sales
Note 4 - Other operating income
Note 5 - Sales-related costs
Note 6 - Remuneration paid to auditors
Note 7 - Personnel costs
Note 8 - Interest income and similar items, and interest expenses and similar items
Note 9 - Exchange rate differences
Note 10 - Appropriations
Note 11 - Tax recorded in the income statement
Note 12 - Tangible non-current assets
Note 13 - Participations in Group companies
Note 14 - Deferred tax asset
Note 15 - Long-term group receivables
Note 16 - Other long-term receivables
Note 17 - Receivables and liabilities, Group companies
Note 18 - Other current receivables
Note 19 - Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Note 20 - Cash and bank balances
Note 21 - Equity
Note 22 - Other long-term liabilities
Note 23 - Other current liabilities
Note 24 - Accrued expenses and prepaid income
Note 25 - Adjustments for items not included in cash flow
Note 26 - Financial instruments by category
Note 27 - Financial liabilities
Note 28 - Operational leases
Note 29 - Associated parties
Board approval
Auditors report
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Parent company's income statement
Parent company's balance sheet
Change in equity in the parent company
Parent company's cash flow statement
Note 1 - General information
Note 2 - Summary of the parent company’s significant accounting policies
Note 3 - Distribution of net sales
Note 4 - Other operating income
Note 5 - Sales-related costs
Note 6 - Remuneration paid to auditors
Note 7 - Personnel costs
Note 8 - Interest income and similar items, and interest expenses and similar items
Note 9 - Exchange rate differences
Note 10 - Appropriations
Note 11 - Tax recorded in the income statement
Note 12 - Tangible non-current assets
Note 13 - Participations in Group companies
Note 14 - Deferred tax asset
Note 15 - Long-term group receivables
Note 16 - Other long-term receivables
Note 17 - Receivables and liabilities, Group companies
Note 18 - Other current receivables
Note 19 - Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Note 20 - Cash and bank balances
Note 21 - Equity
Note 22 - Other long-term liabilities
Note 23 - Other current liabilities
Note 24 - Accrued expenses and prepaid income
Note 25 - Adjustments for items not included in cash flow
Note 26 - Financial instruments by category
Note 27 - Financial liabilities
Note 28 - Operational leases
Note 29 - Associated parties
Note 21 - Equity
For information about equity, see Note 25 in the consolidated accounts.