
Annual Report 2018/19

Change in equity in the parent company

Amounts in SEK ,000    
 Share capitalOther external capitalRetained earnings and profit/loss for the yearTotal equity
Opening balance as of 9/1/201750 49,84949,899
New issue634309,573 310,207
Issue costs  -8,284-8,284
Profit/loss of the year  -3,186-3,186
Dividend   0
Option scheme 1,190 1,190
Closing balance as of 8/31/2018684310,76338,379349,826
Opening balance as of 9/1/2018684310,76338,379349,826
Profit/loss of the year  633633
Option scheme 178 178
Closing balance as of 8/31/2019684310,94139,012350,637