
Annual Report 2017/18

Note 8 – Personnel costs

Costs of employee benefits  
Salaries and remuneration38,20823,033
Social security contributions11,2056,879
Pension costs2,6471,630
Senior executives  
CEO, Daniel Hasselberg  
Salaries and remuneration1,4271,339
Variable salary6033
Social security contributions468431
Pension costs 338299
Other senior executives  
Salaries and remuneration 8,3434,793
Variable salary 230107
Social security contributions 2,6651,340
Pension costs 1,085762
Sum salaries and remuneration66,67640,646
Other staff costs2,7011,791
Fees to Board members2017/20182016/2017
Chairman of the Board, Walter Masalin00
Board member, Teemu Huhtanen2000
Board member, Mikael Hjort20066
Board member, Daniel Hasselberg00
Board member, Kaj Nygren00
Board member, Johan Persson00

Average number of employees2017/20182016/2017
 Average number of employeesOf which maleAverage number of employeesOf which male

Gender distribution in the Group (incl. Subsidiaries) for Board members and other senior executives2017/20182016/2017
 Number on balance sheet dateOf which maleNumber on balance sheet dateOf which male
Board members6666
CEO and other senior executives6666

There is a mutual period of notice of six months in force between the company and the CEO.