
Annual Report 2017/18

Note 26 – Deferred tax liability 

The change in deferred tax liabilities during the year, not taking into account any offsets performed within the same tax jurisdiction, is described below:

Deferred tax liabilitiesUntaxed reservesAcquired intellectual rights to games for platformsCapitalised expenditure for development works in respect of games for platformsTotal
As of 1 September 20168,518-1004,81113,229
Recorded in the income statement3081001,1051,423
As of 31 August 20178,82605,82614,652
As of 1 September 20178,82605,82614,652
Recorded in the income statement-4,3907,1644993,273
As of 31 August 20184,4367,1646,32517,925