
Annual Report 2017/18

Consolidated statement of changes in equity 

Amounts in SEK ,000      
 NoteShare capitalOther external capitalReservesRetained earnings and profit/loss for the yearTotal equity
Opening balance as of 01/09/201650 -2,460115,825113,415
Profit/loss for the period   573573
Dividend33   -14,919-14,919
Personnel option scheme25   1,2181,218
Exchange rate differences  -1,380 -1,380
Closing balance as of 31/08/201750 -3,840102,69798,907
Opening balance 2017-09-01501,234-3,840101,46398,907
Profit for the period   -59,557-59,557
Exchange rate gain/loss  1,957-2401,717
Change in equity450  -4500
Issue costs   -8,284-8,284
New issues184279,807  279,991
Deliquent Ltd   31,40531,405
Closing balance 2018-08-31634281,041-1,88364,337344,179
