
Annual Report 2017/18

Consolidated cash flow statement

Amounts in SEK ,000   
Cash flow from operating activities  
Profit/loss before financial items-66,8834,082
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow2957,94423,709
Interest received3,239127
Interest paid-1,587-7
Income tax paid-5,916-1,682
Cash flow from operating activities before change in working capital-13,20326,229
Change in current operating receivables6,122-3,392
Change in current operating liabilities4,5475,757
Total change in working capital10,6692,365
Cash flow from operating activities-2,53428,594
Cash flow from investing activities  
Investments in tangible non-current assets15-1,005-2,374
Capitalized work-19,954-20,205
Investments in intangible assets-110,8210
Change in securities19,018-3,003
Cash flow from investing activities-112,762-25,582
Cash flow from financing activities  
Option scheme2501,218
New share issue271,7070
Short-term loan15,5560
Long-term loan15,5560
Cash flow from financing activities302,819-13,701
Reduction/increase in cash and cash equivalents  
Cash flow for the year187,523-10,689
Exchange rate difference in cash and cash equivalents0-649
Opening cash and cash equivalents40,56051,898
Closing cash and cash equivalents228,08340,560
Net Debt8/31/2018
Cash and equivalents228,083
Loans due within a year-15,556
Loans due after one year-15,556
Net Debt196,971
Cash and equivalents228,083
Gross debt - floating rate-31,112
Net Debt196,971