
Annual Report 2017/18

Change in equity in the parent company 

Amounts in SEK ,000    
 Share capitalOther External CapitalRetained earnings and profit/loss for the yearTotal equity
Opening balance as of 01/09/201650 67,32067,370
Profit/loss for the period  -3,770-3,770
Dividend  -14,919-14,919
Option scheme  1,2181,218
Closing balance as of 31/08/201750 49,84949,899
Opening balance as of 01/09/201750 49,84949,899
New Issue634309,5730310,207
Issue costs  -8,284-8,284
Profit/loss for the period  -3,186-3,186
Option scheme  1,1901,190
Closing balance as of 31/08/2018684309,57339,569349,826